Guardian Wishlist 2024
Guardian Wishlist is a Dreamwidth-based multimedia gifting fest for Guardian (drama, novel, and RPF) and other canons starring the main Guardian actors.Sign-ups are now open, on Dreamwidth. Fill out the template to say what kinds of things you'd like to receive. You don't need a Dreamwidth account to participate.There are no assignments! Eleven wishlists are now live, and anyone can make gifts! Gifts must fit the requests and not include any DNWs. Prompts are optional. There are no minimums. Gifts must be unique to the recipient.Here is a spreadsheet of the wishlists so far -- we’ll be updating it as more wishlists go live.Gifts can be posted either a) directly in a Dreamwidth comment, or b) to the AO3 collection or other hosting site, and linked in a comment on the Wishlist. Wishlist comments are screened.Gifts (Dreamwidth comments and the AO3 collection) will be revealed on 17 September 2024 (Reunion Festival).For posting guidelines and more information about the fest, please check the Rules/FAQ post.

How it works
1. People sign up on Dreamwidth with a wishlist of prompts and things they'd like to receive. Requests can include any media, including transformative works like fic, art, icons, vids, podfic, and also picspams and meta, translation advice, related music links, lollipops, dried fish snacks, powerful ancient artefacts, anything.
2. Mods post each person's requests in a separate post on the Guardian Wishlist dreamwidth comm. Comments are screened (hidden).
3. Anyone can write, draw, record, or otherwise create gifts for any sign-up. You can post gifts directly in comments (which are screened until reveals) or to the AO3 collection. Gift posting continues right up until reveals on 17 September. There are no minimums for gifts.
9 August: sign-ups open
17 August: first wishlists posted
27 August: sign-ups close
28 August: final wishlists posted
17 September (Reunion Festival): gifts revealed